Friday, January 25

Body Worlds

desi ne dorim sa aflam mai multe despre noi; ce suntem si de ce suntem aici, etc. ..other existential bulshit..oare avem curajul sa ne cunoastem atat de bine?
pe dinauntru?
click if u dare

Conuri sterpe

Thursday, January 10

Wednesday, January 9

SF fashion lookup

pictures not mine/taken by me..just found..original link here


.."the only thing worse than having a job is looking for one"

d la munte..neshte poze

mai exact k si locatie:
tara- Romania
munte- masivu Fagaras
drumu spre Cuca..cabana f frumoasa dar decrepita, jegoasa, in ultimu hal..oricum la munte..e la munte..ce mia conteaza..conteaza aerul, feelingul, efortul si frumosul


what money gives you the opportunity to do
is forget about money
and also buy some stuff
but it is said when you forget about money 'cos you have
so much..
the amnesia spreads
and you forget everything else
and the colors disappear

disco in disguise versus heavy metal thunder

see the world in your own colours
that's what you can do and make variations forever

I could have been somebody
be what I wanna be
in my own reality
if I would've
escaped the world

I'd like to see your eyes at night
your vices cover them with
a magical glare

Tideland/ Alice in Gilliamland

I'm no film critic but this movie is the strongest trip I've had without really it deserves some mentioning... Very impressive, some may say disturbing and even distressingly unpleasant at times, but also Gilliam style brilliant and cute fairytale like at times.. seen through a child's eyes even the worst degeneracy and brutality of life , the portrayal of the lowest human scum can be nothin' but a magical game..a reminder of how reality can stretch and bend, a reminder of what we lose when we grow up..the ability to just imagine and play even when in deep fuckin shit..if we could remember maybe we'd be happy!

someone said ass sack

babies come from the balls of the sun..why did you slap her tits outta her face sun?
nuts get sun dried like put on pizza..invisible nuts on your pizza..some imagenery friend nuts..monkey knows
if you wanna gizz on some bitch's face..
..gotta bust a nut

Tuesday, January 8


During the movie chronicles + live comments by the audience
I haven't seen either part one or two..but have seen the following in 3: zombies/creatures infected with some virus that seem to die when shot, pocking nipples, lots of desert and people getting killed, a zombie taking pictures with a digital camera, sexy naked clones, zombie ravens
Comment1: it's amazing how Milla can keep her teeth sparkling white in the midst of the zombie apocalypse. Can't keep mine like that even with access to toothpaste and brush daily!! Comment 2: pretty nice haircut Milla
3: Milla lights the whole sky on fire with her nipples, milk Milla tits that is
4: ..some zombies are like: we're just gonna kick it up in this container until someone walks by;
it's not enough to chop them with machetes, Milla must use her mind tit power to blow 'em up
5: ..not a bad way to go (die): getting high as a mug, blowing up some people, that guy got baked
The culminating point-
6: she's about to get her eyes poked with some tentacles; yeah with some testicles..gonna have some balls in her eyes..eyeballs..yeah
7: they should form a rap duo..that bitch with her clone; watch out there's a tentacle phicho on the loose
8: the clone seems to be from a good respectable christian family, is hiding her tits even when she's dying..
resolution: her clone saved her ass

Saturday, January 5

i only hear right here with my ear

ce sa intelegi daca
sunetul vine din atatea directii
cand sa mai gandesti
daca sunt zgomote pretutindeni
o clipa de liniste totala
este greu sa obtii
oare de-aia vor unii
sa moara?

Tuesday, January 1

din 2008

cateodata simtim nevoia sa stim ca totul e nou..
caci asa putem trage concluziile si sterge regretele
ne permitem noua insine sa privim departe sa ne gandim si sa dorim schimbari
sau poate doar liniste
si soare?

movie premier

avec une action tres complicates;
tout est beaucoup dramatique!