Saturday, June 28

Man Ray said some stuff..

"There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it." (1948 essay, "To Be Continued, Unnoticed".)
"To create is divine, to reproduce is human." ("Originals Graphic Multiples," circa 1968; published in Objets de Mon Affection, 1983.)
"I paint what cannot be photographed, that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive. I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence." (Undated interview, circa 1970s; published in Man Ray: Photographer, 1981.)
"A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him"

Friday, June 27

Electronic music broadcast to outer space

Manglano-Ovalle transformed the bullfight ring of Tijuana located at the border in to a Radio telescope searching for "aliens". He suspended an antenna above the building and a receiving dish below,
Live Electronic Music was brodcasted in the building, on the web, FM radio and into space.
This project makes reference to the social situation of Mexican "Aliens".

In the video Pepe Mogt(Latinsizer, Fussible, Nortec), Ramon Bostich(nortec Collective) and Leslie(Dream addictive) were making music with digital and analog sequencers and synths(Arp Odyssey, Oberheim), the audio out of this machines was sent to
Manglano-Ovalle Transmiter in real time in to outer space. (around 2001)

London bits

7 melodii/songs

1. Ratatat- Nostrand
2. Crystal Castles- Untrust us
3. Scissor Sisters- Get it Get it
4 Sebastian Tellier- Look
5. Rio en Medio- Everyone is someones
6. Rufus Wainwright- Tiergarten ( Supermayer Remix)
7. Gare du Nord- Pablo's Blues

creca tre sa revin pt a da leapsa mai departe..dar deocamdata ..asta e..gen dc are cineva kef sa ia initiativa, ideea asta e:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.”


Tuesday, June 24

umbre invisibile?

imaginea e d aici
creca am descoperit cea mai fascinanta forma de arta: fotogramele- faci poze fara aparat, k la xerox sau radiografie, si un copil poate..trebuie doar sa-ti aranjezi plansa de joaca cu orice iti trece prin cap..apesi un vede o lumina  si miracol p hartie e o imagine stii ce e, sau ar putea fi..dar crezi..crezi k in povestile nemuritoare, k magia se va produce, p foaia inka alba va aparea o imagine daca o pui in licoarea magica..d fapt in vreo 4, toate chimice si probabil daunatoare pt piele dar e balaceala cu imaginea care dupa prima baita deja se joaca incepe de la capat..
Apasa AICI

Wednesday, June 18

Tuesday, June 17




real and ideal

if all you do is feel..
your view gets surreal..

if all you do is think..
the world will not seem pink

if you want to create
from what you think and feel
from what it isn't real
try dreaming your ideal

photos_le narcisisme bizare

Monday, June 16


=somethings you thought of also and u can identify with, but someone just said better

“Thinking… is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. Just as the eye perceives colours and the ear sounds, so thinking perceives ideas.”..
..will start with this..and try to develop a colection of quotes..scriu k sa nu engleza sa se-nteleaga

Sunday, June 15

reflecting your iris

when u look into the abyss
it looks back at you
and bursts
fear and emptyness

how could a piece of matter
understand the world of shadows and shapes
light might help
but it's not always around
as god keeps it in a ball
up in the sky
which is hidden
at night

words + images by Cristiana aka Carey marey

Thursday, June 12


Mujuice- Extra enough!
Unclep- my friends are pony, elephant and teddy bear

Wednesday, June 11