Tuesday, June 30

donno why my photobucket is

a reminder
of a kinda useless account
i never use
donno why
i have
or anything
so many things to sign up for
i still don't have my own youtube
and proud of it
fighting the internet web
donno why
and yeah
i know
this makes little sense
and so

good movie news

Alice in Wonderland has been a fascinating story, movie and cartoon for quite a while now and I've loved Jan Swankmayer's version of it. So of course i am totally excited that Tim Burton, one of my favorite directors is releasing his own version fo the story. Finaly!!

For some awesome preview images click HERE

done with work 4 today

Sunday, June 7

Feeling Good- finaly 5:07 am

You only ever meet with yourself... forever... and ever...

Coldness comes from a lack of hot...

Hotness comes from a lack of cold...

Which is which without the other?

All dualities stem from the same point....

Nothing isn't ever nothing because saying it makes it something...

To be and not to be are the same thing...

Just because umbilical cords are cut doesn't mean they are ever completely severed...

I didn't write this but it seemed pretty right!