Showing posts with label fara sens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fara sens. Show all posts

Friday, July 24

Is LSD poisonous?

No. LSD is one of the least toxic chemicals known to man. It is less poisonous than aspirin and vitamin C.

from HERE

thou they say it killed an elephant

Wednesday, October 22

2nd movie

Ladies and Gentleman
prepare for an adventurous journey through meaningless and senseless random nonsense
I present you
in a special edition 2nite
my second movie
of course
unfinished like all great masterpieces
to serve me- the greatest undiscovered director alive- as a reminder to finalize projects
before 1 year passes and I have no feel for them anymore!
there it is: The awesomness: fairytale journey through strangeness
pictures and edit by Carey
music by Mike

Monday, July 7

inka o luni

oboseala, letargie, lipsa de kef, cum voi mai trece si prin saptamana asta? cum ma voi trezi? cum imi voi face kef sa fac tot ce trebuie? desi stiu k nu e adevarat , acum simt k n-as vrea decat sa pierd toata saptamana- p net, p plaja, la cocktailuri si cafele, socializari inutile si glume..
ce este acel motoras care ni sa invarte in stomac,acel monstruletz al actiunii care se cere zilnic hranit cu activitate, si care nu ne lasa sa nu facem nimik linistiti..nimik..adika ce sa ma simt bine inseamna k nu fac nimik? se pare k da caci nevoile biologice dicteaza la integrare, la realizare, la agonisire, la o viata de furnica nu d greier pt a cladi un viitor pt noi si mai ales pt urmasi..
as vrea sa mai simt relaxarea d altadata, si sentimentul d dolce far niente p terman nelimitat fara remuscarile vrea sa nu-mi pese unde ajung atata timp cat ma vrea sa nu cresc..dar se e interesant si asa..trebuie doar trecut peste lene..dulcea si scumpa lene..fericire si blestem caci doar din cauza ei mi-e mie atat d greu acum sa suport ziua d luni..

Saturday, June 28

Man Ray said some stuff..

"There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it." (1948 essay, "To Be Continued, Unnoticed".)
"To create is divine, to reproduce is human." ("Originals Graphic Multiples," circa 1968; published in Objets de Mon Affection, 1983.)
"I paint what cannot be photographed, that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive. I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence." (Undated interview, circa 1970s; published in Man Ray: Photographer, 1981.)
"A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him"

Tuesday, April 15

OMG!!!... so fuckin gay!! an artistic kinda way..

from "The Key of Mystery"

Wisdom is hidden in darkness.
When lit by the flame of the Soul,find thou the wisdom and be LIGHT-BORN,a Sun of the Light without form.
Seek thee ever more wisdom.
Find it in the heart of the flame.
Know that only by strivingand Light pour into thy brain.
Now have I spoken with wisdom.List to my Voice and obey.
Tear open the Veils of the darkness.
Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.

Tuesday, April 8

prin ochi de poate redefini realitatea..Cu o printesa se face primavara!!

Sa dormi inseamna sa-ti spui povesti pe care inca nu le stii.
(Baldachin= pat garnisit cu voaluri, al printeselor prin excelenta)

Sa canti insemana sa colorezi cuvinte. Dansul a ca zborul pe pamant.

Cuvintele calatoresc iar cand revin acasa, nu le mai intelegi.

Un capriciu nu e decat un sclipat de umoare neagra.

Sa nu surazi e ca si cum ai uita sa dai apa la flori.

Hazardul este o poveste careia nu poti sa-i cunosti sfarsitul.

Secretele sunt incuiate bine dar visul lor e evadarea.

Cand uit e o idee ce se joaca de-a v-ati-ascunselea in adancul meu.

Viata atarna de un fir de par.

Jungla e o sala colosala dintr-o dezordine totala.

Printesa timp de-o zi, tot timpul!! Sa fii regina, ramanand printesa.

Apa e o rochie ce nu accepta sa o imbraci.

Padurea e gradina secreta a lumii intregi.

si in final..un sfat..caci o printesa nu poate fi fericita fara printul cauti fara sa stii cine-i (printul) totusi sa fii sigura ca-l recunosti.

Wednesday, January 9

someone said ass sack

babies come from the balls of the sun..why did you slap her tits outta her face sun?
nuts get sun dried like put on pizza..invisible nuts on your pizza..some imagenery friend nuts..monkey knows
if you wanna gizz on some bitch's face..
..gotta bust a nut

Tuesday, January 8


During the movie chronicles + live comments by the audience
I haven't seen either part one or two..but have seen the following in 3: zombies/creatures infected with some virus that seem to die when shot, pocking nipples, lots of desert and people getting killed, a zombie taking pictures with a digital camera, sexy naked clones, zombie ravens
Comment1: it's amazing how Milla can keep her teeth sparkling white in the midst of the zombie apocalypse. Can't keep mine like that even with access to toothpaste and brush daily!! Comment 2: pretty nice haircut Milla
3: Milla lights the whole sky on fire with her nipples, milk Milla tits that is
4: ..some zombies are like: we're just gonna kick it up in this container until someone walks by;
it's not enough to chop them with machetes, Milla must use her mind tit power to blow 'em up
5: ..not a bad way to go (die): getting high as a mug, blowing up some people, that guy got baked
The culminating point-
6: she's about to get her eyes poked with some tentacles; yeah with some testicles..gonna have some balls in her eyes..eyeballs..yeah
7: they should form a rap duo..that bitch with her clone; watch out there's a tentacle phicho on the loose
8: the clone seems to be from a good respectable christian family, is hiding her tits even when she's dying..
resolution: her clone saved her ass

Saturday, January 5

i only hear right here with my ear

ce sa intelegi daca
sunetul vine din atatea directii
cand sa mai gandesti
daca sunt zgomote pretutindeni
o clipa de liniste totala
este greu sa obtii
oare de-aia vor unii
sa moara?

Wednesday, December 5

Here I am back on the stage

cantecel, pt toti cei care ii mananca talpa sa plece, evadeze, gaseasca o cale de iesire in orice loc s-ar afla..
caci una e sa faci orice iti trece prin cap si iti gadila simturiel de placere si alta sa fi nevoit sa faci o acel lucru/ sau orice treaba, activitate..obligatia/ nevoia distruge orice pasiune, cand hobbyul ajunge munca se pierde/ alta e sa te decizi ce e ok pt tine in fiecare moment..shi dc ti se pune pata..mai tai o burta de peshte, ca pana la urma ajungi tu la vreun fel de lumina..sau poate doar descoperi k lumina era chiar sub ochii tai dar prea puternica de te orbea..who da fuck knows?? bla bla

Bob Seger - Here I...

abandonate in deshert

ce iti pasa tie
de trecerea timpului
cand ramai impasibil
sub tornade si furtuni
desi ai fost supus unei distrugeri
nu te-ai evaporat
nu te-ai dizolvat mancat de viermi
si inka existi

Monday, November 26

ipostaze 24 ...

..ce surprind narcisistic
intr-un bizar amalgam
de reprezentari virtuale..
bazar de imagini
mai mult sau mai putin

miraj de deshert la mare..

incerc sa ma apropii
cu pasi usori
dar iute te evapori
dispari in nori

Thursday, November 15

revelatia misterelor

intr-o zi o sa iti descriu universul
pana atunci pot doar sa te privesc
si sa ma amuz de ce descoperi pe cont propriu
si daca lumea te intristeaza
nu e vina mea
doar tu ai ales
sa afli

Monday, November 5


all the people
living their lives in peace
old ideas in new contexts
most news world wide
feed people outrageous bullshit
what can we believe
there is no truth
just different sides of the story
nothing I can do, guns win all battles
just write a little post
that will change nothing
hope to terrorize
someone's peace of mind
even when life sucks
people hope for better
and smile