Thursday, July 24
meaningless or more
Tuesday, July 22
lichefierea porumbelului alb
Monday, July 21
Tuesday, July 15
Thursday, July 10
anonimous quote
All existence (our very life) keeps going through the sum total of the endless repeating cycles of which it is composed. It is even more direct than that, and I am going to get very abstract for a just a moment.
Our very existence is only by virtue of our awareness of these cycles or circles. And now for the hard part: Everything is (or continues to exist) only by returning, repeating and restating itself. That is, everything we know and can have any awareness of has to somehow persist or exist long enough for us to experience it. The converse is also true.
That which does not re-instate or repeat itself (in other words, that from which we get no return) is not for us. In fact, that which does not return for us (come to our awareness) comprises the sum total of our ignorance. We ignore it. It does not register. Our consciousness then, that which we are aware of, is made up of the endless returns or returning of cycles.
Monday, July 7
inka o luni
ce este acel motoras care ni sa invarte in stomac,acel monstruletz al actiunii care se cere zilnic hranit cu activitate, si care nu ne lasa sa nu facem nimik linistiti..nimik..adika ce sa ma simt bine inseamna k nu fac nimik? se pare k da caci nevoile biologice dicteaza la integrare, la realizare, la agonisire, la o viata de furnica nu d greier pt a cladi un viitor pt noi si mai ales pt urmasi..
as vrea sa mai simt relaxarea d altadata, si sentimentul d dolce far niente p terman nelimitat fara remuscarile vrea sa nu-mi pese unde ajung atata timp cat ma vrea sa nu cresc..dar se e interesant si asa..trebuie doar trecut peste lene..dulcea si scumpa lene..fericire si blestem caci doar din cauza ei mi-e mie atat d greu acum sa suport ziua d luni..