Saturday, October 17


don't really wanna comment since I've never been..think it's a bit too hippysh for me at this point..maybe later in life who knows..if I lose a little more of my sanity or insanity!
the amazing thing that makes this festival different from all others is that it happens all through the world at the same time!! The great experiment is channeling, focusing the power of group prayer and joy, love, spirituality..all that positive stuff (nonsense as some may think), from different places at the same time. If energy is real..than this is it! Magical waves of the best human manifestations and effort shooting right to the source, or out in the universe and to the heart of ..hmm..God?.. who knows...if there's anything more than matter.. It's just what we need to believe so we can overlook the ugliness, suffering and despair of humanity..what we need to love and achieve peace and evolution in this world! We must all feel ONE with each other and the universe..only then we can truly love and accept the world..and ourselves! ..?


image from the Crystal Cave

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