Thursday, October 16

despues de los andes


First impressions not totally positive thou altogether I really enjoyed the trip and will always remember it- my first and hopefully not last incursion in South America. this post include what I might forget so have to spit it out before that happens :)
Later, march a peach -in spanish machu pichu- titicaca and all the tourist goodies
- no anonimity or simply walking down the street in the cities of peru..or pretty much anywhere tourists may go..everyone wants to talk to you wants to sell you something or offer some sevices ar simply ask for money..there's no mercy on the tourists they are the prey, they are the saviors, they can make the difference between a meal of just rice and potatoes to a feast of slain alpacas and guinea pigs..
-there's tourist prices and local prices much communication without spanish unless you have a guide/translator /slave everywhere you go ( according to the price you can hire someone to be anything for you including slave it seems)
-strong experience many colors and stunning seems like you're always high and the mystical, therapeutical coca leaves improve that..
machu pichu could be virtually recreated as a pacman game where the lamas move on the inka steps eating grass and score points running from the tourists who are shooting them with cameras but a mystical place nevertheless; don't get fooled by its appearance as some sort of inka disneyland.. magical things could happen at any step like wake up surrounded by colorful butterflies somewhere up on top of the universe!
to interact with locals you generally have to pay in suns or soles they call them:
looking at them: half a sun ( or maybe a moon if you're lucky)
taking a picture: one full sun, if you have a good camera 2 suns
if they get in your picture by mistake when you are trying to capture a monument: still one sun
unless they're selling something every precious word coming outta their mouth will mean 1 less sun in your pocket.. tourists are full/made of suns and all locals are stars!!
that's bout it..4 now :)

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